Ashford Digital Print

Files go through pre-press workflows and are preflight checked in the same way as for lithographic work, however, for digital and inkjet printing no plates need to be made as the presses print directly from the imposed PDF file.
We have a number of colour and mono inkjet presses which are all sheet fed SRA3 machines, suitable for a variety of different purposes.
In order to provide a faster turnaround, more competitively priced colour option for shorter run book work, we have made significant investment in inkjet printing together with near-line binding equipment.
We have three HP web fed colour presses that print reel to reel, offering print quality and unit pricing comparable to litho printing from 50 to around 2000 copies. One inkjet press is fitted with high definition (HDNA) heads to produce the ultimate print quality and performance.
The inkjet web presses can run mono or full colour at around 120 meters per minute, on coated and uncoated papers, producing anything from books to comics and even newspapers.

Personalisation of text and images are an additional benefit, meaning that we can print single copy books and publications with customised content.
Print on demand solutions present the opportunity to reduce stock holding or even achieve zero inventory for some titles. Orders can be produced and fulfilled as books are needed (or even purchased) rather than printed in advance to be held in a warehouse.
Our digital department houses near line finishing equipment which means that the printed sheets or reels are moved to a finishing line close to the press (or even attached to it) to be made into book blocks ready for binding.
We have special binding lines for perfect binding shorter run digital book blocks, as well as suitable saddle stitching lines.