Environment and Quality

It is the policy of Ashford Colour to improve customer service through more efficient processes and communication while actively protecting the environment.

We are committed to being a sustainable business by applying the three pillars of sustainability:

Environment | Community | Economy

Our commitment to an integrated management system

Ashford Colour is a long established, privately owned, lithographic and digital printing company specialising in the efficient production of high-quality printed materials for educational, journal and media manual sectors.

We have established an integrated management system that focuses on both quality and environmental management and applies, as a catalyst, the following standards: ISO 9001 for quality along with ISO 14001 and FSC® Chain of Custody to address environmental controls.

You can verify the validity of our ISO certificate by entering our certificate number [ISO 9001 – 251046 – ISO 14001 – 251047] via this link: https://www.british-assessment.co.uk/verify-certification/

Environmental requirements have been integrated into everyday activities supporting a sustainable approach to work and are incorporated within our management system documents.

  • Compliance with customer, regulatory and other relevant requirements.
  • Identification of objectives relevant to quality and responsible social and environmental practices.
  • Implementation of controls that will manage the significant impacts of our activities and support our commitment to protect the environment and grow our business in a sustainable way.
  • Adoption of environmental best practice across activities and application of the principles of the waste hierarchy (Eliminate, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
  • Focus to assist our customers meet their carbon reduction objectives.
  • Comply with the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) Chain of Custody requirements and sourcing paper from responsibly managed sources

GDPR – Data Protection Overview
We always treat personal data responsibly and respect how this information is used.

At all times we are working to the GDPR accountability principle, which requires us to demonstrate the steps we take to ensure our compliance with data protection under GDPR.

Our Privacy Notice is available to download and review.

You can also read more on our approach to data protection and GDPR compliance

We are committed to continually improving the Integrated Management System and environmental performance through a programme of management audits and reviews to ensure its continued effectiveness.

We are also committed to supporting our customers with their carbon reduction commitments and have signed up to the ‘Book Chain Projects ‐ Labour and Environment module’ to report on our CO2 and follow the Carbon Maturity Roadmap to identify emission reduction opportunities and set a realistic and achievable plan for overall carbon reduction.

This Policy is communicated to our employees, people working for or on our behalf, and other interested parties on request.

Company Policy Documents

Additional policy documents to demonstrate our compliance with legislation, such as Anti Bribery, Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policies, can be found in the links on the right.

Ashford Colour Press is continually reviewing and updating these policies.

For documentation regarding any other policies, please contact us.

All of our policy documents are supplied in Portable Document Format. Large text versions can be made available upon request.